January 2017 Update:
Due to the fantastic feedback received the South Australian Tourism Commission is delighted to advise that due to popular demand they are hosting one final Understanding China workshop delivered by leading tourism expert, Richard Beere, Director of Fastrak Asian Solutions.
The workshop will include the same content that was presented in the workshops last year.

Date: Thursday 9 February
Time: 8.30am arrival for 9.00am – 12.00pm
Venue: The Crowne Plaza Adelaide, 16 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide
RSVP:  Chelsea.clack@sa.gov.au by Monday 6 February
Cost: Free of Charge

December 2016 Update:
Understanding China has been a real success with 850 people across the state participating in a range of workshops and meetings.
Based on the feedback from all participants, SATC have developed two new service delivery guidelines on WeChat and UnionPay.
The final videos from the WeChat and UnionPay workshop are now available on the SATC website or YouTube Channel.

The Chinese visitor market presents a huge opportunity for South Australia.  Forecasts show that if we maximise this opportunity, we could see an estimated 57,000 Chinese visitors contributing $450 million to the South Australian economy by 2020.

CLICK HERE to view a short video on the China opportunity.  You can also read an opinion piece by Rodney Harrex, Chief Executive, South Australian Tourism Commission.

To help realise the full potential of this market, the South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) has developed a range of new resources in partnership with Richard Beere, Managing Director of Fastrak Asian Solutions.

Richard is an expert on China.  He was part of the team that succeeded in making Australia the first western destination to gain Approved Destination Status in China; and that secured China Southern Airlines to initially fly to Australia.

The new resources available include:

  • A series of Understanding China workshops presented by Richard to provide you with a better understanding of the realities and requirements of the Chinese market
  • A comprehensive reportDelivering Quality South Australia Experiences and Infrastructure for Chinese visitors, aimed at key stakeholders such as tourism businesses and operators, government agencies and industry associations
  • A video of Richard’s presentation on the Chinese market and what we need to do, which you can watch at anytime, anywhere
  • One page Service Delivery Guidelines which provide tips and hints on catering to the Chinese market.

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