Regional Development Australia (RDAEP) is delivering the Small Business Fundamentals Program to the Eyre Peninsula and Far West. The Small Business Fundamentals Program is an initiative of the Government of South Australia’s Office for Small and Family Business and the South Australian Small Business Strategy 2023 – 2030.

The program supports small businesses to build their fundamental knowledge and capability in areas critical to long term business sustainability and growth.

The program consists of:

  • 12 bespoke workshops delivered at no cost to participants across major towns on Eyre Peninsula – to develop fundamental business knowledge and capability in areas critical to long-term business sustainability and growth, and
  • 1:1 mentoring and training sessions – addressing the business needs identified by participants during the workshops, at a subsidised cost to participants.

Any queries please contact Tamsin Scholz, Program Officer by email:

Business Mentoring

Under the Small Business Fundamentals Program, RDAEP can assist businesses to access mentoring through connections and through a small financial contribution. This contribution is 100% of the cost of mentoring, for up to 3 sessions per business, to a maximum total of $300 per session.

For example:

  • If you agree to have three sessions at $200 per session to a total of $600, RDAEP will contribute 100% of this – $600.
  • If you agree to have three sessions at $400 per session, to a total of $1200, RDAEP will contribute $900 as the maximum limit.
  • If you choose to have four or more sessions with a mentor, RDAEP can only provide a contribution for the first three sessions.

Are you interested in accessing mentoring, or want to learn more about it? Please email or complete our survey here. You can view our list of mentors here.

Upcoming Events

Any future events will be shared via our social media and newsletter.