RDAWEP Tourism Economic Development Manager, Brad Riddle planted a seed some time ago for Tasting Australia to consider showcasing to the world the seafood and natural bounty available within the Eyre Peninsula.


On Tuesday, October 3, Ross Ganf from Tasting Australia and Nick Stock, one of Australia’s most respected wine experts, award winning author and event host, landed on Lower Eyre Peninsula to scout out the potential for a major Tasting Australia event in April, 2018.

RDAWEP escorted Ross and Nick on the famil, along with the Lincoln Auto Club who generously provided a perfectly restored XA GT Falcon to make the mission just that extra bit special.

Thanks must go to Myers Seafood, 1802 Oyster Bar, Oyster Farm Tours, Pure Coffin Bay Oysters, Boston Bay Smallgoods and Peter Teakle Wines for giving Ross and Nick a day they won’t forget. Thanks must also go to the sealions around Coffin Bay who put on a priceless show.


Follow stockwine on Instagram to see what Nick had to say about his first visit to the region and stay tuned for a Tasting Australia event like no other next April, 2018.

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