24-27 October 2017
Upper Spencer Gulf, South Australia
Disruption: a catalyst for change
SEGRA 2017 is being held in the Upper Spencer Gulf, a region of diversity and convergence, focused around the tri-city alliance of Port Augusta, Whyalla and Port Pirie.
The Upper Spencer Gulf has experienced its fair share of economic shocks and negative perceptions, the reality is there are a lot of new, exciting growth opportunities that are taking advantage of the region’s strengths. This is reflected in this year’s theme – Disruption: a catalyst for change.
Many regions in Australia are experiencing unprecedented disruption to their traditional industry bases, markets, supply chains and business models. This has been driven in part by the explosion of innovation in technology platforms creating global access, lowering barriers to entry and changing customer profiles.
In addition to responding to this rapid change, established businesses are managing complex commercial financial and reputation risk and processes. Start-ups and market disrupters frequently don’t have these legacies.
So how might businesses turn their previously successful business models to exploit the opportunities that the new world of knowledge and technology offers? SEGRA 2017 will focus on not only understanding what is happening in the regions but examining how regions are already responding and might act to ensure their own preferred futures are realised.
SEGRA is the most credible and independent voice on issues affecting regional Australia.
REGISTER NOW and ensure you are part of this important conversation.
To view the program, please visit http://2017.segra.com.au/program/
For more information on SEGRA, please visit the conference website http://2017.segra.com.au/