Users of regional airports are encouraged to share their views on how to improve connectivity and innovation in regional aviation.
The Australian Government is developing a comprehensive Regional Aviation Policy Statement in consultation with other Government, industry and community stakeholders.
The Statement forms part of the Government’s commitment to securing economic growth across regional Australia. It will canvass the roles of the different tiers of Government and industry in regional aviation, including the provision of aviation services and airport infrastructure, as well as opportunities for better coordination and efficiencies in aviation-related programs operating in regional Australia.
The Government has released a Regional Aviation Policy Issues Paper to facilitate consultation on the development of the Statement.
The preferred method for receiving submissions is electronically via email. Submissions may also be made in hard copy at the address provided below.
The closing date for submissions is Friday 17 April 2020.
If you have any questions about responding to the Issues Paper, please contact the Department:
Phone: 02 6274 7064
Attention: Domestic and Regional Policy
GPO Box 594