The Book Bazaar charity bookshop  celebrated its 10th birthday on the 4th April 2023.

The Book Bazaar was established in Port Lincoln in 2013 as an ongoing fundraising arm of the Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation. The bookshop is staffed by an enthusiastic team of 30+ volunteers. Donations of books are thoroughly cleaned and displayed for sale. New books from local authors are also sold on commission.

Since its inception the Book Bazaar has been highly successful, and fulfils its fundraising objective well, in addition to encouraging the reading habit. It is also popular with visitors to town looking for extra holiday reading.

Profits from the bookshop are split equally between the Home Hospice Fund (for the Home Hospice Service) and other EPCF activities. Donations from the collection tins at the Book Bazaar go to the Home Hospice Fund.

The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation maintains a Home Hospice sub-fund to support the operation of a palliative care service providing out of hours and weekend support to terminally ill patients, allowing them to remain in their own homes for their last few weeks.

The Eyre Peninsula Home Hospice Service is delivered via a partnership between the Foundation and Matthew Flinders Homes.

The Foundation manages and invests funds donated for the Home Hospice service, and MFH provide the “front line” services under the guidance of an oversight team of associated professionals, with representatives from the EPCF and MFH Boards.

The permanent service began in 2017and has assisted 87 families. The Home Hospice Service was established to build on the experience of a trial service which ran in 2015 and 2016. People wishing to make use of the service need to make contact through their GP.

Your donation can contribute to the growth of the Home Hospice Fund and ensure that this important service is available for residents of the Eyre Peninsula.

 The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation carefully manages a growing base of donated funds and works with philanthropic and other partners to ensure the best possible value and impact from each of its community projects, regional student advancement and home hospice services on Eyre Peninsula. The Foundation is supported by the invaluable work of the Book Bazaar volunteers and committed administrative staff.

Please contact the Foundation on 0400 685 520, or download the donation form from the website at

Credit card and bank deposit facilities available.