Primary Producers throughout South Australia will have the opportunity to recommend to State Parliament what changes they believe are required to organisational and market structures to give them a fairer deal.
Parliament’s Economic and Finance Committee has decided to undertake an inquiry into the current public policy settings for the organisational and market structures of the horticultural, viticultural and agricultural sectors and associated processing.
The Committee adopted a motion put by the Member for Light, Mr Tony Piccolo to undertake the inquiry with the view of making recommendations “that would assist with the long term financial sustainability of producers and fair prices for consumers, thus maximising employment opportunities in manufacturing and the development of a more competitive retail market.”
Mr Piccolo said he is looking forward to hearing from primary producers about how we can make the industries more competitive and address the imbalance between producers and the big retailers.
“The inquiry will focus on those policies at government level that can be changed to put our primary producers on a fairer footing when dealing with large and multinational corporations,” said Mr Piccolo.
“I am particularly interested in hearing how we can give producers a greater say in the supply chain, increase competition and grow the sector.”
“We need to explore how we can value add more in Australia, which not only creates more wealth but more jobs.”
Mr Piccolo said we need to explore how new market and organisational structures will deliver a fairer outcome for all involved in the food production process from farm gate to table”.
“I am keen to explore how producer, marketing, worker and consumer co-operatives could be utilised to create a more financially sustainable food sector.”
Mr Piccolo said the inquiry has adopted a two stage process to ensure we have a good understanding of the issues we need to tackle.
“In the first stage of the process we are asking interested parties to submit details of issues they believe we should investigate through the inquiry.”
“The committee will then prepare and publish an issues paper to outline the matters we intend to inquire into, and inviting further submissions and taking evidence from witnesses.” Advertisements will be published in rural and regional newspapers and industry magazines over the coming weeks inviting initial submissions.
All enquiries regarding the inquiry can be directed to:
Ms Lisa Baxter,
Executive Officer,
Economic and Finance Committee,
Parliament House,
North Terrace, ADELAIDE SA 5000
or via email to
or by phoning (08) 8237 9223.
Pictured: Primary Producers SA Chairman Rob Kerin and Member for Light Tony Piccolo.
Image courtesy: Stock Journal