Three programs to further support regional businesses and to attract more workers to regional South Australia have expanded. The programs are:

  • Regional Jobs Support and Incentive Program – extended to 31 December 2021 for eligible workers with an incentive payment of up to $2,000 for taking up jobs in regional South Australia. For more information on how to apply, visit the Business SA website.
  • Accelerating Regional Employment Program – a pilot initiative for organisations,  including businesses, not-for-profit organisations, incorporate associations, South Australian councils and co-operatives. Provides funding of up to $170,000 each for two projects that support skilled migrants and other workers fill critical skills shortages in regional SA for small and medium businesses. To apply, visit Accelerating Regional Employment Program.
  • The Regional Workforce and Coordination and Collaboration Program – supports South Australia’s eight Regional Development Australia regions to continue to address regional workforce issues resulting from COVID-19. Regional jobseekers are encouraged to register through the Regional Work SA website