The First Nations Tourism Mentoring Program (FNTMP) is a new and free mentoring program for First Nations tourism businesses across Australia.

Since its launch in July 2023, over 83 First Nations tourism businesses have applied to participate in the program with 47 already accessing mentoring.

First Nations tourism businesses means any 50%+ First Nations owned business that serves the broader tourism eco system, including but not limited to:

  • tour operators – walks, fishing, hunting, adventure, art, talks
  • accommodation providers – camping, hotels, motels
  • food and beverage services – cafes, caterers, restaurants
  • transport services – passenger bus, delivery services
  • retailers – art centres, cultural centres, roadhouses, information booths
  • product makers – artists, artefacts, clothes, supplies
  • performers – dance, theatre, music.

If you are a First Nations tourism business and would like access to free, one-on-one mentoring from an experienced industry specialist, register your interest at

The program is funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) until June 2025, and administered by a partnership between PwC Indigenous Consulting (PIC), Intrepid Travel, and Welcome to Country.

If you have any questions about the FNTMP contact or 1800 792 000