The Eyes on Eyre project continues to gain momentum across the region. In early 2019 this joint project led by RDAWEP, Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula and all eleven Eyre Peninsula councils has been focused on identifying and planning the future needs of tourism and community infrastructure across many of our key locations throughout the region. February saw the engagement of landscape architects Birdseye Studios, to assist the steering group in the development of concept designs for a number of campgrounds around the region. The aim of this collaboration was to have some tangible designs to take to community and discuss their thoughts and aspirations for the future of these sites.
An extensive consultation process was then carried out during February through a mix of community drop-in sessions, email and online surveys. Eight community consultation sessions were held throughout the region which attracted more than 150 community members keen to talk with us on the plans and provide their input into the process. RDAWEP also undertook an online survey for 2 weeks over this period which received more than 120 responses from the community and stakeholder groups.
As expected there was wide variety in community response with many people expressing their long association with many of the proposed locations. It was generally agreed that although no-one wanted to see major development at the sites, a soft upgrade of the camping areas and amenities was required at many of the locations. The steering group will now take all the community feedback on board and revise the plans where necessary before providing recommendations to the project partners.
NREP Image: Port Lincoln community drop-in session