Round two applications will open from 9am Monday 31 July 2023 until 5pm Thursday 14 September 2023.
The $2 million Experience Nature Tourism Fund (ENTF) aims to spur investment in nature-based tourism experiences and make South Australia more competitive in luring domestic and international tourists.
Grants range from $10,000 to $50,000 for new and improved nature-based tourism products and experiences in or near a national park, reserve, wilderness protection area or marine park.
The ENTF aims to showcase South Australia’s natural landscapes while also encouraging visitors to enjoy and learn more about these important natural and cultural assets.
Grants are available via two funding streams:
Stream 1 – Quick Activation Projects, grants from $10,000 to $20,000
Provided for projects that are ready to be activated. These grants could include one-off purchases.
Stream 2 – Innovative Development Projects, grants from $20,001 to $50,000
Provided for bigger projects which may have a longer duration and multiple elements.
For more information: Experience Nature Fund