A community meeting was held in Arno Bay on Saturday 17 November to discuss drought conditions.
Hon Tim Whetstone, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, and Member for Flinders Peter Treloar met with local residents at the Arno Bay Hotel to talk about the impact of the drought on communities, as well as provide information on available support and assistance.
Karen Hollamby from Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA), Eyre Peninsula Family and Business Scouts and Rural Business Support Workers were also on hand to have a chat with attendees.
Between 25-30 farmers turned up for the meeting where a range of relevant topics were covered such as water collection infrastructure and SA Health services.
Minister Whetstone also encouraged farmers to apply for the Farm Household Allowance, with assistance from local support services if needed.
Any primary producers and small rural business owners who are suffering financial hardships or have concerns about the dry season should call Rural Business Support on 1800 836 211.
If you need more information on drought support and assistance go to pir.sa.gov.au/drought