A community session is planned for Port Lincoln on Tuesday 26 November, 5.30 – 7.30pm at the City of Port Lincoln Council Chambers, Level 1, Civic Centre, 60 Tasman Terrace.
The Planning and Design Code (the Code) is the cornerstone of South Australia’s new planning and development system and will offer a single set of planning policies for assessing development applications across the state.
The Code aims to revolutionise the way that planning is undertaken in South Australia by replacing the 72 development plans currently in use, into a single set of planning guidelines for assessing development applications across the state.
From July 2020, all development applications will be lodged on-line through a new portal instead of being submitted to individual councils, eliminating unnecessary delays and paperwork.
Phase Three: Urban Areas – Applies to urban areas of Greater Adelaide and large regional towns and cities. It will be operational from July 2020. Consultation on Phase Three is open until midnight 28 February 2020.