Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula (RDAWEP) wishes to advise that the Disability Workforce Hub Eyre and Western has closed effective 26 June 2019.
The project was an initiative to help secure a sufficient and diverse workforce supply as the region moved towards full implementation of the NDIS. The Hub operated as a central point for organisations, workers, job seekers and existing service providers with assistance and support throughout the disability sector.
During this time the Disability Workforce Hub has:
- Assisted service providers gain government funding for local projects and expansion of their existing services.
- Assisted with the establishment and connectivity of new disability service providers in the region.
- Hosted multiple events and workshops, with community engagement and inclusive training opportunities as the focus.
- Assisted with the employment of many job seekers.
- Skills expansion of a large number of existing workers throughout the region.
While there are still more changes expected and the NDIS is still rolling out in full and evolving as reviews are made, the Eyre Peninsula region is a strong sector with many areas for growth and change. The Disability Workforce Hub may be closing its doors but RDAWEP remains committed to promoting and supporting all local businesses with growth and development.
On behalf of the Disability Workforce Hub, NDIS Workforce Project Manager Bronwen Caple would like to wish all disability services the very best for their future in this space, and thank you all for your continual support of the Hub while it was in service.