South Australian Tourism Commission is partnering with the Australian Cruise Association (ACA) to deliver a workshop to help prepare for the restart of cruising in South Australia.
This workshop will focus on assisting tourism businesses to better understand how they can work with cruise lines visiting Port Lincoln. To be successful in this endeavour it will be vital that you are delivering high-quality experiences in a COVID- safe way.
The workshop will also cover international cruise industry protocols that are in place around the world.
Participants will be given the opportunity to ask questions and engage with cruise ship industry decision-makers and investigate ways to work with this sector.

Speakers include:
Andrew McKinnon Manager Cruise, Aviation & Access (SATC)
Jill Abel CEO – Australian Cruise Association (ACA)
Joel Katz Managing Director – Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA)
Michael Mihajlov Director Destination Management – Carnival Australia
Justine McKenzie CEO Owner – Bob Wood Cruise Group (ITO)

D A T E : T H U R S D A Y , 1 4 J U L Y
T IME : 1 0 : 0 0 AM – 1 2 : 0 0 PM FOL LOWE D B Y L I G H T L U N C H A N D R E F R E S HME N T S
1 / 6 1 5 L I N COL N HWY , T I A T U K I A S A 5 6 0 7

R S V P :
A n d r ew Mc K i n n o n –  A n d r e w .Mc K i n n o n@s a . g o v . a u
F R I D A Y 10 J U L Y 2 0 2 2