After its postponement in July, the AdvanceAg 2021 event has been rescheduled to Monday 18 October. Ever wondered how AgTech can help your farming practices? Get your ticket to AdvanceAg to gain insight into cutting edge technologies that can be quickly applied to your business in SA. Learn about the practical application and benefits of AgTech through case studies with producers, AgTech developers and industry leaders.
The event is designed for:
- primary producers and agricultural businesses
- AgTech start-ups
- technology developers
- educators
- and others from the AgTech ecosystem
AdvanceAg provides the opportunity to hear and share ideas on cutting edge technologies from local, national and global sources.
When: Monday 18 October 2021
Where: Adelaide Convention Centre
An optional networking and welcome event will also be held the night before.
For more information : AdvanceAG