Infrastructure SA is leading the development of South Australia’s first 20-year State Infrastructure Strategy.
The Strategy will:
- reflect a whole of state perspective,
- encompass a broad range of economic and social infrastructure that is funded and delivered by all levels of government and the private and not-for-profit sectors, and
- encapsulate the State’s challenges and opportunities, and identify the future infrastructure needs for industries, businesses and communities to thrive.
Infrastructure SA is keen to understand the needs and views of different communities, sectors and regions to help formulate the Strategy that engenders positive generational impacts by addressing big issues via wide-ranging and far-reaching initiatives.
Submissions are welcome from anyone who would like to inform this process. Submissions can range from a simple letter to a more substantial document and should include evidence such as relevant data and documentation to support your views.
For more information and to make a submission visit
Submissions in response to the Discussion Paper can be made until 5pm Wednesday 31 July.