The South Australian Freight Council (SAFC) has launched Moving Freight 2019, its plan for the State’s future transport and logistics infrastructure and its primary submission into Infrastructure South Australia’s 20 Year State Infrastructure Strategy.
The SA Freight Council is the State’s peak, multi-modal industry group that advises both the Federal and State governments on industry related issues, and is funded by both industry and government. It represents road, rail, sea and air freight modes and operations, and assists the industry on issues relating to freight logistics across all modes.
Completing the North South Corridor, major rural upgrades and a new purpose built freight precinct at Adelaide Airport are key planks of the major freight blueprint document.
It has called on Infrastructure SA (ISA) and the State Government to ensure that freight infrastructure is given prominence within the 20 Year State Infrastructure Strategy.
“South Australia is facing many new challenges as it confronts a changing economic structure and climate; and puts forward an ambitious growth agenda,” SAFC Executive Officer, Mr Evan Knapp said.
“Moving Freight 2019 provides a blueprint for transport infrastructure development in South Australia over the next 20 years, and highlights the key principles and policy issues that should be embraced by ISA in developing the 20 year strategy.”
Urgent Priorities for the next 5 years outlined in the plan include Eyre Peninsula Road Upgrades. With the cessation of grain transport on the EP rail system, thousands of new truck movements are expected in the region to deliver grain to ports. Priority safety upgrades are urgently needed to ensure the new mix of traffic on key highways is safe.
Moving Freight 2019 also sets out comprehensive project priorities for 5-10 years, 10-20 years and ‘Subject to demand’ projects that are dependent on freight generating developments coming on stream. A higher proportion of regional projects have been identified for these time periods, indicating a change in infrastructure investment focus will be required in the final 15 years of the State Infrastructure Strategy.
“The transport and logistics industry underpins every aspect of our state economy – every business requires inputs, and the majority also require our services to deliver products to customers and end consumers,” Mr Knapp said.
“Efficient, effective and safe transport infrastructure is a competitive advantage that as a state we cannot afford to ignore,” he said.
View the Moving Freight Strategy Here
Image Source: Australasian Transport News