Uni Hub in partnership with the University of Adelaide are looking to offer a one-day short course in Port Lincoln and are reaching out to gather any interest in the course.
The Introduction to Project Management course, will likely be held mid-October and require a minimum of 12 participants to proceed. This course increases confidence and competence in the fundamentals of effective project management. It is suitable for participants with limited or no knowledge of project management principles and tools.
The course will be approx. $750 – $800 per person.
To register your interest for the course please complete the form using the link below and return as soon as possible, so that the course can be confirmed. A
To download the information flyer about this course, click HERE.
You can fill out an expression of interest form HERE.
For more information contact the team at our Port Lincoln University Centre on 08 8656 9959 or at portlincoln@unihubsg.org