Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula (RDAWEP) would like to draw the Eyre Peninsula community’s attention to 4 top positives from the recently released SA State Budget:
- Some payroll tax relief for small employers
- New incentives to employ trainees and apprentices
- $200 million Future Jobs Fund to back jobs in industry growth sectors
- $17.5 million for wastewater management in regional areas.
We need to work together as a region to see what we can do to leverage these outcomes for all our industry sectors and the wider Eyre Peninsula community.
RDAWEP are pleased with the boost that Whyalla has received, with $1.6 million for the SA Steel Taskforce to secure the future of Arrium, $5.1 million for Port Bonython jetty and $1 million for Whyalla’s township jetty.
Jobs Accelerator Grant
The State Government has announced that businesses that register a new employee for a Job Accelerator Grant will receive an extra $5,000 for an apprentice or trainee, as part of a State Budget measure designed to boost employment for young people.
The expanded grant scheme means businesses with payrolls between $600,000 and $5 million will receive up to $15,000 for each apprentice/trainee above current staffing levels, while small businesses with payrolls up to $600,000 will receive up to $9,000. It is hoped that this will drive about 2,000 new apprenticeship and traineeship positions.
To find out more go to
Future Jobs Fund
To support the development of globally competitive industries and industrial capabilities within South Australia, the State Government has established the Future Jobs Fund.
As part of this scheme, $50 million dollars has been allocated to provide support for businesses through grants, with another $70 million available through low interest loans.
Applications are sought from businesses and other non-government organisations for funding grants and/or loans to create ongoing jobs. For more information CLICK HERE
Download the State Budget 2017-18 Budget Overview
For further support, please contact Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula:
Whyalla office 08 8645 1788 or Port Lincoln office 08 8682 6588