The South Australian Productivity Commission is undertaking a review into SA’s tourism regulation, focusing on nature-based and agriculture-based tourism sectors. It will make recommendations in improving the efficiency of the operations and performance of relevant state agencies and to improve the adaptability and resilience of the regulatory process. It will also examine ways to cut the costs of regulations on the regulated parties to make it easier to do business in the state.
The issues paper supports interested parties and stakeholders to participate in the review into tourism regulation. It highlights the key issues as understood by the Commission and seeks further information to enhance the Commission’s understanding of the issues.
View the issues paper here: Tourism Regulation Issues Paper and Tourism Regulation Terms of Reference
The Commission seeks evidence and experience, as well as views on the matters identified in the issues paper. It is also interested to learn of other matters relevant to the terms of reference.
The Commission will publish every submission it receives on its website unless it is determined by the Commission as being confidential, offensive, potentially defamatory, beyond the scope of the inquiry’s terms of reference, or an abuse of process.
Following consideration of initial submissions, the Commission will release a draft report detailing evidence, key findings and draft recommendations. Further consultation to test these findings and to gather additional evidence will follow the draft report’s publication.
Make a submission
To make a submission use the submission form. Submissions in response to the issues paper are due by 14 May 2021.
For more information: Tourism Regulation