Businesses, industries and training providers in South Australia can apply to have short, bespoke training courses formally recognised through a business-led Micro-credentials
pilot aimed at helping industry meet its skills needs.
Micro-credentials are shorter than a full qualification and can be developed by industry and/or training providers to address skills and training gaps. They can comprise of accredited training components, non-accredited training, or a combination of both. Micro-credentials are playing an increasing role in a range of training settings, including work readiness, upskilling
and reskilling, transitioning workers, and supporting people to gain additional skills and knowledge outside of their qualifications. Designed to meet contemporary industry skills needs, Micro-credentials provide an opportunity for people to engage in lifelong learning through shorter training opportunities.
The Training and Skills Commission’s endorsement of a Micro-credential provides confidence for employers and individuals that the learning outcomes it delivers will meet contemporary skills needs and learners will gain the relevant skills, knowledge and attributes required by industry. Providers of Micro-credential courses that are already developed and able to demonstrate industry need can request direct endorsement by submitting an application. A list of endorsed Micro-credentials can be viewed here.
The Department for Innovation and Skills (DIS) offers a support service to develop Micro-credentials that address skills gaps in priority sectors and/or meet emerging industry needs.
To discuss a concept for a new Micro-credential, or for assistance with developing a proposal for endorsement, contact DIS, or call the DIS Infoline on 1800 673 097.
DIS will contact proponent organisations within two business days of receiving an expression of interest to discuss options for assistance.
Funding is available to support learners to undertake Micro-credentials that address industry skills needs. Funding may also be provided to assist organisations to design and develop a new course to meet industry needs.
To submit an expression of interest in receiving assistance for course development or direct endorsement please complete the online application form.
For more information on the South Australian Micro-credentials pilot program, including guidelines, frequently asked questions and an application form, please visit the Training and Skills Commission website or call the DIS Infoline on 1800 673 097.