This event is proudly supported by Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation, charity bookshop Book Bazaar & the Rotary Club of Port Lincoln and will be shown at the Nautilus Arts Centre from 4.30 to 6.30 pm Wednesday 27 September with a Q&A afterwards with the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network Palliative Care Team
The movie event aims to improve awareness about palliative care, advocate for increased access to essential palliative care and related health care services for all Australians, and help to start important conversations about living the life you please until the very end.
Conversations with the community commenced with the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network Palliative Care Team available to chat with the community during National Palliative Care Week in May at The Beach Bakery on King who kindly donated 50 cents from every coffee purchased through the week to the Eyre Peninsula Home Hospice Fund and Eyre Peninsula Palliative Care Support Fund.
Owner Ilka Stone said “I would like to thank everyone for their support that week which enabled a donation of $817.50 to be split between both funds.”
EPCF Chair Greg Barry said “With the Home Hospice program highly valued and supported in our community, EPCF is very pleased to partner in this initiative to raise regional community awareness and engagement about palliative care. We encourage anyone who may be facing important palliative care decisions, now or in the future, to join us for this valuable opportunity to better understand and deal with the issues.”
The Eyre Peninsula Community Foundation carefully manages a growing base of donated funds and works with philanthropic and other partners to ensure the best possible value and impact from each of its community projects including palliative care. Your donation can contribute to the growth of these funds and ensure that these important services are available for residents of the Eyre Peninsula.
The EPCF maintains a Home Hospice sub-fund to support the operation of a palliative care service providing out of hours and weekend support to terminally ill patients, allowing them to remain in their own homes for their last few weeks.
The Eyre Peninsula Home Hospice Service is delivered via a partnership between the Foundation and Matthew Flinders Homes.
The Foundation manages and invests funds donated for the Home Hospice service, and MFH provide the “front line” services under the guidance of an oversight team of associated professionals, with representatives from the EPCF and MFH Boards.
The service commenced in 2017 and to date 98 local families have been assisted. People wishing to make use of this service need to make contact through their GP.
The EPCF also maintains a sub-fund Eyre Peninsula Palliative Care Support Fund established in 2018 to provide extra support to the in-home general palliative care services provided by the Eyre and Far North Local Health Network Palliative Care Teams.
Areas they service on the Eyre Peninsula are: Arno Bay, Ceduna, Cowell, Cleve, Cummins, Coffin Bay, Elliston, Kimba, Lock, Port Lincoln, Port Neill, Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay and Wudinna.
People wishing to make use of this service need to make contact through their GP or contact the Palliative Care Team at Port Lincoln Hospital
Any queries via email to, or by calling 0400 685 520.