The centenary of the linking of the Trans Australian Railway line will occur at 1.45pm on Tuesday 17th October 2017. The celebratory event is being held on the southern side of the railway line, approximately 4kms west of Ooldea.

The event will include a range of people speaking about the importance of railway heritage and what the Trans Australian Railway line did for Australia. Two monuments will also be unveiled. These monuments are replicas of the wood and steel monuments that were unveiled at the 50th anniversary in 1967, which have since collapsed. The new monuments have been constructed in steel from the original plans by the Australian Rail Track Corporation, and should provide a lasting legacy to celebrate the Trans Australian Railway line.
Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula (RDAWEP) and the National Railway Museum (NRM) are coordinating the celebration. This task has been greatly assisted by Dick Smith Foods, which has generously provided $10,000 in sponsorship to ensure that the event will proceed. Dick Smith is planning to attend the event and has been invited to be a guest speaker.
Even though the celebration is being held in a very remote location – about 340kms north west of Ceduna by road – there is a great deal of interest in the centenary from historians and lovers of railway history. Over 200 people and 100 vehicles have registered to attend. This includes people from South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland and the ACT.
Many of the people are self-equipped travellers who will be bringing caravans and camper trailers for their accommodation. Five 4WD groups are attending from Melbourne, Horsham, Gosford and two groups from Perth.
The attendance numbers are expected to increase substantially closer to the event, because RDAWEP has been advised that numerous other people plan to attend, but have yet to register.
If any of your friends have an interest in attending the celebration, please ask them to contact RDAWEP Special Projects Manager, Bob Ramsay on and their contact details will be added to the project database.
People on the database receive regular project updates by email to ensure they are fully informed about the celebration. Please also contact Bob if you want more information about the event.

Wish I could attend. I loved my Nullabor crossing.
Unfortunately i can’t come to the celebrations at the centenery of the Trans Line joining i would like to hear more about it.I have only recently found that the 17th of October has such a major influence on Western Australia as well as the Eastern States.Most of us haven’t heard that it is such an inportant day.Would appreciate being kept up to date .
Regards Richard Stretch