Application Date Extended – Due to the Covid-19 virus, applications for Round 3 of the SA Healthy Towns Challenge will be extended until 12 June 2020 in the first instance.
Live in a rural town? Interested in preventive health and wellbeing? Apply now to be in the running for a grant of up to $50,000.
The SA Healthy Towns Challenge provides grants for projects that increase health and wellbeing through the prevention of illness and/or injury and address local health and wellbeing issues. Applications for Round 3 have been extended until 5.00pm Friday 12 June 2020.
Projects must be short term (up to 12 months) and undertaken in partnership with an external partner, a not-for-profit organisation with expertise in health and wellbeing.
Further information, including application form, guidelines, eligibility information and how to apply, are available from
You can also contact SA Health by email at or by phone on 8226 6187.