In 2017, the Department of State Development implemented a comprehensive community engagement process to better understand the demand and needs for jobs and skills in non-metropolitan South Australian regions.
Stakeholders participated in the engagement process by completing a survey on the yourSAy website; contributing to workshops, focus groups and/or conversations with Regional Managers; and attending a workshop to contribute to the development of responses to address local demand and need. Over 2,300 people participated in this process.
As an initial response to the challenges and opportunities identified and the solutions proposed, the Department of State Development is investing $1.5 million in new skills, training and employment initiatives to be implemented in 2017-18. The Eyre and Western region will receive $90 000 to implement initiatives that have been developed in direct response to what you said during the engagement process, complemented by an analysis of ABS, Census and other data.
View the Workshop Summary Report from September/October 2017-Eyre and Western
View the 2017-18 Response Summary Document- Eyre and Western Region, which outlines what was said during the engagement in your region, relevant data and DSD’s immediate response.
Further information:
Phone: Skills and Employment Infoline on 1800-506-266