The Co-operative Farming program is a one-stop-shop for advice and support, as well as great free tools and resources easily available online. Some of the key resources and programs are listed below.


Co-operative Foundations online course (FREE)
Co-operative Foundations is a great resource for individuals and groups looking to understand more about co-ops, but also for co-ops to provide access to new/existing employees or prospective members to ensure they fully comprehend the features, benefits and positive impact of co-ops.
The modules can be completed at the viewer’s own pace with optional quizzes. If all modules are undertaken a unique certificate of completion is provided which provides confirmation of the equivalent hours of CPD. We’ve also provided a comprehensive range of resources to accompany each module.

Educational bursaries
We are helping participants access learning at partner institutions and providers through educational bursaries for co-operative education and relevant training for co-operatives and collaborative business models. Our educational bursaries are aimed specifically at encouraging learners from the farming, fishing and forestry community to extend their capabilities through study, regardless of their level of formal educational attainment. Once a participant is approved, the bursary will be paid directly to the education or training provider.

Co-operative Farming hotline
Information or support to plan, start or run a co-op, staffed by our friendly team here in Australia. There is also an online form and email address.

Online video series Co-operative Conversations, available on demand
There are 18 separate episodes of Co-operative Conversations available for you to watch on demand, anywhere, any time. These videos bring together real farmers, fishers and experts in the area of co-operative farm models to discuss the opportunities and challenges, and to answer questions from the audience.

Co-operative Farming: Blueprint for future proofing Aussie farmers
This blueprint provides an outline of the opportunities to expand Australia’s farming, fishing and forestry activities using the co-operative farming model, and includes both domestic and international case studies of successful farming co-ops.