Drought is an enduring feature of the Australian landscape. It has significant economic, social and environmental impacts.
The $5 billion Future Drought Fund provides secure, continuous funding for drought resilience initiatives. It will help Australian farms and communities prepare for the impacts of drought.
The Australian Government has announced the next suite of programs for the Future Drought Fund. Funding through to 2023-24 will continue to provide farmers, regional and rural communities with the tools they need for building drought resilience.
Further details of each program will be published as they becomes available. Please register at www.haveyoursay.agriculture.gov.au/future-drought-fund to be kept informed of announcements.
Programs will be delivered in accordance with the principles outlined in the Future Drought Fund’s 2020-24 Drought Resilience Funding Plan, including as far as practicable, a requirement of co-investment to maximise program outcomes.
Farm Business Resilience program
Farmers, including farm managers and their employees will have access to subsidised learning and development opportunities in strategic business management, farm risk management and decision-making, natural resource management, and personal and social resilience.
The program will also support farmers to develop or update their farm business plans and provide access to one-on-one professional advice on their plan.
Regional Drought Resilience Planning program
This program brings regional organisations, local government, communities and industry together to prepare for future drought risks by developing regional drought resilience plans.
You can find more information and stay up to date by visiting the website.