Regional Development Australia Eyre Peninsula (RDAEP), in partnership with the Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association (EPLGA) and Eyre Peninsula Landscape Board, is pleased to release the new Strategic Regional Plan 2023-2026 (Plan) for the Eyre Peninsula.
The Plan, which has been underpinned by extensive engagement and consultation over the last 6 months, is designed to be a living document that provides a wide range of stakeholders, potential investors, and policy makers with a better understanding of the region, by delivering a unified vision for the Eyre Peninsula.
“It is critically important that, to the extent possible, regional stakeholders agree on a set of common needs and priorities for the region and to coordinate their collective efforts in a manner that ensures the achievement of outcomes are maximised, particularly when seeking investment from Government”, said RDAEP Chair Bryan Trigg.
Under the themes of Social Capacity – Workforce attraction, retention, training and support, Infrastructure Capability – provision of economic enabling infrastructure, Economic Prosperity – economic growth through improved business efficiencies and industry diversification and Environmental Sustainability – sustainable development and natural resource management, the Plan presents 17 shared priorities for the region over the short to medium term that will be used to guide the allocation of future investment by governments and industry.
“As facilitators of sustainable economic development on the Eyre Peninsula, RDAEP, EPLGA and EP Landscape Board, as the three key regional organisations, have an important role to play in bringing stakeholders together under a common strategic plan for the region, and the release of this joint plan is a fantastic outcome for the Eyre Peninsula”, said EP Landscape Presiding Member Peter Treloar.
To grow, enhance and diversify the Eyre Peninsula economy in a sustainable manner, the Plan presents the region’s strengths, challenges, and needs. It will assist the region achieve its future economic ambitions in a strategic and guided way by providing a clear framework for stakeholders to work collectively to achieve the desired outcomes and facilitate economic growth.
“The Strategic Regional Plan 2023-2026, which was adopted via the EPLGA as the region’s principal strategic document, will assist all regional stakeholders and the community to identify competitive advantages, manage regional growth pressures, identify opportunities and address economic development and infrastructure needs”, said EPLGA President Mayor Dean Johnson.