A new relief package has been announced for South Australian businesses in industries such as hospitality, performing art venues, artists and performers who are under financial stress from ongoing COVID-19 restrictions.

The package from the state and federal governments offers $3000 cash grants for businesses and $1000 grants for sole traders in eligible industries whose turnover has declined 30 per cent or more over a two-week period as a result of trading restrictions imposed on 28 July.

This support is in addition to the existing State Government $3000 emergency cash grants for its Business Support Package (see below).

Eligible CBD businesses can also apply for an additional $1000 in recognition of the impact on city businesses due to people working from home.

A new Major Events Support Grant of up to $25,000 has also been announced by State Government for eligible events that were either cancelled, or whose postponement due to lockdown or restrictions caused a significant financial loss.

Applications for the new grants opened on 13 August, for more information, visit Department of Treasury and Finance | Support for businesses, jobs & the community impacted by COVID-19


Business support package

The South Australian Government has announced a July 2021 COVID-19 Business Support Grant Program to support South Australian small and medium-sized businesses who suffered a significant loss of income or were forced to close as a result of the state’s seven-day lockdown, may be eligible for a $3,000 emergency cash grant. Sole traders may be eligible for a $1,000 cash grant.

Applications for the Business Support Grant Program must be submitted by 11:59pm, 30 September 2021.

For more information including eligibility criteria and to register your interest, visit the SA Treasury website or email smallbusinessgrant@sa.gov.au


Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment

The Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment scheme is a lump sum payment to help workers unable to earn income due to a COVID-19 state public health order. The fund provides $375 per week for those workers who have lost between eight and less than 20 hours’ work, or have lost a full day of work, and $600 per week if a person has lost more than 20 hours’ work.

In addition, the State Government will provide fully-funded income support payments of up to $600 per week for eligible workers in regional SA, who live or work outside of the Commonwealth-declared ‘Hotspot’ local government areas (and, therefore, not entitled to the Federal Government’s $375 or $600 per week support payments).

The $75,000 turnover test does not apply to this scheme and therefore many micro businesses will be eligible for this payment.


Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund

The Australian Government’s RISE Fund is supporting the arts and entertainment sector to reactivate.

Funding is targeted towards arts and entertainment organisations to assist in the presentation of cultural and creative projects, activities and events to rebuild confidence amongst investors, producers and consumers.

Applications are currently open, and will close 31 December 2021 23:45 AEDT.

Learn more and apply now: Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand (RISE) Fund | Office for the Arts


South Australian Tourism Commission – Regional Event Fund

This program aims to strengthen the state’s regional events calendar and drive economic stimulus across the regions beyond the traditionally peak summer tourism period.

There are four categories available:

  • Significant Event Funding
  • Established Event Funding
  • Development Event Funding
  • Emerging Event Funding

To learn more about each category, eligibility criteria and dates for applications, visit: Regional Event Fund | Tourism SA