On Saturday October 27 RDAWEP hosted our Ability Awareness Festival, a community event to raise awareness of the Disability Workforce Hub and the Disability Service providers across the region.
The event included fantastic live music performances featuring both local artists from within the region and interstate special musical guests, as well as food and beverage stalls and fun free activities for all. Service providers took the opportunity to promote themselves and the services they offer.
The Festival unfortunately suffered lower than expected crowd numbers due to unpredicted bad weather, however despite this the event was an overall success. We’ve had a great deal of positive feedback from stall holders with many stating that they had countless interactive conversations and connected with potential clients. Some stall holders even reported meeting potential employees.
Overall we had about 1,800 people join us at Civic Park throughout the day over the 7 hour event. Food stalls sold out of all their food and activity stalls ran out of stock thanks to the steady stream of people who came down.
Featured artists who entertained the crowd on the day included Taylor Henderson, Adrian Eagle, Finger Bun, Sam Brittain and Brie Ryan.
The objective of the event was to raise a broader awareness of the NDIS and the many service providers we have in the region as well as familiarising the public with those businesses. This goal was definitely achieved!
Many thanks to all those who supported this unique event!
See below for pictures of the day.